Coming soon to google play and app store!

Mokotube allows tamariki to enjoy a self programable, immersive experience of te reo Māori – at the touch of a button.  

Mokotube works by pulling in all YouTube content and filtering it so that users have as little to do as choose a language setting and favourite categories – much like YouTube for kids.  

Mokotube will help tamariki  develop outstanding comprehension in te reo Māori, along with the ability to communicate and articulate in te reo Māori.

For whānau who choose kōhanga or bilingual ECE, the app will be an ideal support at home.  


MokoTube has been made with funding from Te Mātawai, Te Reo Tukutuku   

Te Mātāwai funding has allowed for the development of ‘MokoTube’. The role of Mokotube is to centralise all Maori language videos suitable for tamariki, aged 0-5 years.

MokoTube allows Tamariki to safely navigate their own experience of the age appropriate Māori language content that is currently available on YouTube and has been linked to this app. The intention is to provide our tamariki with the means to acquire te reo effortlessly, and to enable our tamariki to become articulate, confident communicators of te reo Māori.


We cannot provide this rauemi without support from YouTubers sharing the reo and the same vision we do – to give our tamariki safe access to Māori language YouTube videos. However, if you are featured in this app and do not wish to be, please let us know. We will remove your video/s on request.


We will be in touch with Content Creators to ensure that you are okay with your content being linked to MokoTube. In the meantime we are working on the assumption that you- like us – want our tamariki to be submerged in the reo, without our having to pre-programme that experience for them. We invite you to make contact with us sooner, if you have feedback for us, or wish to opt-out. Thank you for your patience and support.


Are you a content creator whose content or channel is missing? Please send us a link and we will fix this.


Conceivably we could create a channel within Mokotube that is dedicated to your channel. Please contact us via the feedback form.


View counts on MokoTube, feed back to YouTube and affect the view count on your original video. There are no collections of royalties or profits of any kind, made by the producer or funder. For all intents and purposes, MokoTube essentially acts as a pointer back to your media but without the danger of young fingers navigating offsite to unscreened media.


If you have monetised media, the ads will not show on MokoTube as they could steer tamariki away from the site in which case we could not guarantee safe use, and also because most ads are in the English language. If this an issue for you, we invite you to contact us to opt-out of featuring here. We do not have pūtea for content or to support monetisation.


We have carefully screened most content but if you encounter any content that is objectionable please let us know via feedback.


We are keen to know what you think. Is the app a success in your home, kōhanga or puna reo? If not, why not? This feedback will help us better craft an enjoyable experience for your tamariki. We are also keen to learn about any bugs experienced.


E tuku mihi ana ki te kaituku pūtea te Poari Matua o Te Mātāwai, ngā ringa rehe, ā-rerehua, ā-auaha tae atu hoki ki ngā kaiwaiata,kaikōrero me ngā kaihaka.

He rauemi tēnei kua whakaaratia hei whakahaumaru i ngā tamariki kei ngā kohanga reo, hei mātaki hoki ki ngā kāinga e areare ai ngā taringa o te hunga whakarongo.

Ko te wawata me te tūmanako nui kia kapi katoa o tātou whare i te reo rangatira. Nā mātou te whānau a Hei Tiki Creatives.

Coming soon to google play and app store!

Mokotube allows tamariki to enjoy a self programable, immersive experience of te reo Māori – at the touch of a button.  

Mokotube works by pulling in all YouTube content and filtering it so that users have as little to do as choose a language setting and favourite categories – much like YouTube for kids.  

Mokotube will help tamariki  develop outstanding comprehension in te reo Māori, along with the ability to communicate and articulate in te reo Māori.

For whānau who choose kōhanga or bilingual ECE, the app will be an ideal support at home.  


MokoTube has been made with funding from Te Mātawai, Te Reo Tukutuku   

Te Mātāwai funding has allowed for the development of ‘MokoTube’. The role of Mokotube is to centralise all Maori language videos suitable for tamariki, aged 0-5 years.

MokoTube allows Tamariki to safely navigate their own experience of the age appropriate Māori language content that is currently available on YouTube and has been linked to this app. The intention is to provide our tamariki with the means to acquire te reo effortlessly, and to enable our tamariki to become articulate, confident communicators of te reo Māori.


We cannot provide this rauemi without support from YouTubers sharing the reo and the same vision we do – to give our tamariki safe access to Māori language YouTube videos. However, if you are featured in this app and do not wish to be, please let us know. We will remove your video/s on request.


We will be in touch with Content Creators to ensure that you are okay with your content being linked to MokoTube. In the meantime we are working on the assumption that you- like us – want our tamariki to be submerged in the reo, without our having to pre-programme that experience for them. We invite you to make contact with us sooner, if you have feedback for us, or wish to opt-out. Thank you for your patience and support.


Are you a content creator whose content or channel is missing? Please send us a link and we will fix this.


Conceivably we could create a channel within Mokotube that is dedicated to your channel. Please contact us via the feedback form.


View counts on MokoTube, feed back to YouTube and affect the view count on your original video. There are no collections of royalties or profits of any kind, made by the producer or funder. For all intents and purposes, MokoTube essentially acts as a pointer back to your media but without the danger of young fingers navigating offsite to unscreened media.


If you have monetised media, the ads will not show on MokoTube as they could steer tamariki away from the site in which case we could not guarantee safe use, and also because most ads are in the English language. If this an issue for you, we invite you to contact us to opt-out of featuring here. We do not have pūtea for content or to support monetisation.


We have carefully screened most content but if you encounter any content that is objectionable please let us know via feedback.


We are keen to know what you think. Is the app a success in your home, kōhanga or puna reo? If not, why not? This feedback will help us better craft an enjoyable experience for your tamariki. We are also keen to learn about any bugs experienced.


E tuku mihi ana ki te kaituku pūtea te Poari Matua o Te Mātāwai, ngā ringa rehe, ā-rerehua, ā-auaha tae atu hoki ki ngā kaiwaiata,kaikōrero me ngā kaihaka.

He rauemi tēnei kua whakaaratia hei whakahaumaru i ngā tamariki kei ngā kohanga reo, hei mātaki hoki ki ngā kāinga e areare ai ngā taringa o te hunga whakarongo.

Ko te wawata me te tūmanako nui kia kapi katoa o tātou whare i te reo rangatira. Nā mātou te whānau a Hei Tiki Creatives.